Choose Your Plan
PPC Package Description
PPC Packages | Basic | Growth | Boost |
PPC Monthly Spent | $0 – $1500 | $1500 – $4K | $4K – $7K |
Initial Analysis Fees (One Time) | $299 | $299 | $299 |
Monthly Maintenance Fees | $299 | $399 | 15% |
PPC Packages | Basic | Growth | Boost |
Google Adwords Network | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Google Search Network (reach people who searches in google search bar) | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Google Display Network (reach people to your industry websites, blogs, videos, etc ) | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Google Remarketing (reach people who visited your website previously) | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Google Product Listing Ads PLA’s (Mandatory : Google Merchant Account) | If Applicable | If Applicable | If Applicable |
Yahoo! Bing Network | No | No | Yes |
PPC Packages | Basic | Growth | Boost |
Website Review & Ongoing Consulting for PPC Success | Yes | Yes | Yes |
A Complete Analysis of Your PPC Advertising History | If Applicable | If Applicable | If Applicable |
Set Initial Expectations and Specific Goalsn | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Design and Build Proper Campaigns for Search, Display & Remarketing Network | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Entire Campaign Optimization, Highly Structured and Targeted campaigns | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Perform a Comprehensive Keyword Research and Selection | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Build and Implement a Comprehensive Negative Keyword List | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Proper Keyword Categorization, Matching Options and AdGroup Development | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Creative & Effective Ad Copy – Multiple Ads Per AdGroup for Testing | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Landing Page Optimization Suggestion | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Landing Page Creation/Designing* | Extra Charge | Extra Charge | Extra Charge |
Call To Action (CTA) Optimization Suggestion | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Call To Action Creation/Designing* | Extra Charge | Extra Charge | Extra Charge |
Ad Scheduling and Geographical Targeting | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Creative Banner Creation/Designing* | Extra Charge | Extra Charge | Extra Charge |
Integrate Location, Social, Call, Sitelinks, etc Extensions if needed | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Mobile Ads & Bid Optimization* (If website is mobile responsive) | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Conversion Tracking & Remarketing Code Installation | Yes | Yes | Yes |
PPC Packages | Basic | Growth | Boost |
A Dedicated Account Executive for Questions, Concerns and Ideas | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Ongoing PPC Strategy Development | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Continual Bid & Position Monitoring to Achieve Desired Results | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Ongoing Keyword Performance Analysis, Additions & Deletions | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Ongoing Competitors Tracking with Auction Analysis | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Ongoing Ad Copy Analysis and Testing | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Continued Conversion Tracking Analysis | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Work to Increase Higher Conversion Rates, Higher CTR, and Quality Scores | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Competitor Tracking, Research and Benchmarking | Yes | Yes | Yes |
A/B Landing Page & CTA Split Testing | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Work to lower CPA (cost per acquisition) | Yes | Yes | Yes |
PPC Packages | Basic | Growth | Boost |
Fortnightly Campaign Report | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Campaign | Adgroup | Keyword | Position | Clicks | Cost | CPC | Impressions | CTR | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Conversions |Conv. Rate | Cost Per Conv. | No | No | Yes |